Bouquet with corrugated paper flowers


Bouquets of fresh flowers are undoubtedly charming, it is pleasant to give and receive them. But think about how long the joy of such a bouquet lasts. The first day the flowers are lush and fragrant, but the next day they begin to lose their freshness and fade. And on the third day, the gorgeous composition will have to be sent to the bin. So is it worth it to spend money on expensive bouquets that so little please the eye?
Whether it’s a bunch of flowers made of corrugated paper. They stand for a long time, you can admire them forever, the giver puts his soul into them, and the hero of the occasion will have a souvenir for a long time.
This master class contains two ways of filling such a bouquet. For work, you need to select the following materials:
- corrugated paper in blue, pink and red;
- one plastic bottle (preferably 1.5 liters);
- scissors;
- stapler;
- satin ribbons;
- wooden thin skewers;
- PVA glue;
- sweets in yellow or orange packaging;
- double sided tape;
- a piece of foam;
- white napkins.
First you need to take a plastic bottle and cut off the top by about 10-12 cm.

Then further cut a piece of plastic 7-8 cm long. Twist it into a thin tube and insert into the neck of the bottle. This will be the handle of the bouquet.

Next, the blank should be decorated with corrugated paper. It is better to take a darker shade. Glue strips of double-sided tape on the bottle, wrap with a piece of blue paper and fix with a bow made of satin ribbon.

The first filling option is from small lush buds.
Take pink corrugated paper, cut it into small squares (3x3 cm), connect 10 pieces each and fix in the center with a stapler. Trim the corners to make a round blank. And a little ruffle the sheets of paper.

Such buds need to be made about 20 pieces.

Now fill the hollow space of the plastic blank with white paper napkins (it is better to use green ones, so there will be an imitation of stems and leaves) to create a low dome.

Glue the flowers in the middle and a little on the side.

It turns out a delicate bouquet of pink lush flowers.

The second option is filling with a bouquet of candy buds.
A piece of polystyrene should be placed in the blank.

Candy flowers are easy to make. For example, take a wooden skewer, glue the candy on it with double-sided tape. And around, fix the petals of the red corrugated paper. Just need three buds.
Wooden sticks must be inserted into the foam.

Empty spaces can be filled with satin ribbons of different colors.

It turns out a beautiful bouquet with edible flowers.

Choose for yourself which option is best for you!
