DIY wooden sheath for a knife


For a good knife, you need to make good knives that would reliably protect the blade from damage. And so the best option is to make a wooden scabbard.

In this case, the author makes a sheath for the style of the knife handle. However, it is not the sheath design itself that matters, but the technology of their manufacture. Perhaps someone will be interested in such a method.

The first step is to prepare three pieces of wood of different species. If you want to make simple sheaths, then you can just saw off a solid piece of the desired length.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, we glue all three blanks into a single whole. After the glue dries, we cut off all the excess on the band saw and grind it, giving the workpiece a neat appearance.

Next, we cut the workpiece along in half on a band saw. Then we attach the knife to the inside of one of the halves and draw a contour. Using a chisel, we make a recess.

After that, glue the two halves together. We cut the workpiece in the shape of a knife, and then grind it on the grinder.

The author glues a brass plate to the end of the sheath. It will need to be processed on a grinding machine to fit the scabbard into shape.

At the end, coat the scabbard with varnish. Details on how to make wooden scabbard for a knife with your own hands, you can see in the video on the site.


Watch the video: How To Build A Wooden Sheath. Damascus Steel Knife Sheath (January 2025).