If you spend a lot of time on a summer cottage or like to go camping with friends, then a rocket mini-oven will definitely come in handy. The design is compact in size and fits easily in the trunk of a car or in a backpack.
The main purpose of the rocket furnace is to heat water, as well as cooking in camp conditions and in the country. The main advantage of such a furnace is the simplicity of its manufacture - if you have the right materials, you can assemble the structure in literally 15-20 minutes.
Despite the fact that rocket stoves are not very powerful, the heat generated by them is enough for cooking and heating the tent. For the manufacture of a camping mini-oven, we will use profile pipes.
Rocket furnace: the main stages of work
From a square profile pipe of suitable sizes, we cut off three segments with a grinder, two of which are connected together at right angles with a loop. On the inner side of each of the pipes you need to make cuts, and then bend one “leaf” on which the third section of the profile is worn.
From pieces of steel strip in a vice we bend "paws" for a rocket mini-furnace, and in the upper part of a vertical pipe we make two perpendicular cuts into which a lattice of metal plates is inserted. As a result, we get a practical folding design of a homemade rocket mini-furnace, which is useful in the country and on a hike.