
The conifers planted this year do not have time to develop powerful rhizomes and gain strength for survival in harsh winter conditions during the season. Young plantings need protection created in various ways using factory or home-made structures. The optimal time for sheltering plants is dry weather, established with the advent of stable cold weather.

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Good day. On the street in April. Many gardeners are already preparing for the summer season. They not only plant plants in their garden, but also love to decorate it. Recently, it has become especially fashionable to decorate your garden with handicrafts made of waste material - plastic bottles, tires, and so on. I also decided to decorate my garden with hand-made crafts.

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Good day to everyone and good mood. Which amateur gardener is not only in flowers, but also in different figures? I think that most of us, when we go to specialty shops and see garden figures there, think about the fact that they want to see them in their garden. I am completely delighted when I see various figures, crafts from someone in the garden.

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Used car tires do not need to be thrown away. After their intended use, tires can be used to decorate the yard or garden. More and more interesting ideas can be seen in others, and why not try to do the same at home? After all, the process of making many crafts is very simple.

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If you live in a private house or you have a summer cottage, then you must have come across a desire to transform your flowerbed or front garden. The easiest way is to go to the store and get a nice little plaster figure. Yes, it will decorate your yard, but every second gardener has such crafts. To bring some zest to your personal plot, you can make a beautiful bird from ordinary plastic bottles.

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In today's smoky bustle of time, the main sign of a weekend is outdoor recreation. And oxygen saturation of the body stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Then, in choosing the composition and usefulness of dishes - the flight of imagination is not limited! But, the traditional menu always includes barbecue, the smell of which attracts both adults and children.

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Summer is a time for summer holidays. And what kind of vacation without a feast? You can, of course, acquire a plastic table purchased at the supermarket, light, delicate. However, such a table, like any thing, also has drawbacks. For example, it can flutter from a gust of wind at the most inopportune moment. But everything is fixable if the country has old lumber.

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Birds have always attracted the eyes of others and many are attracted by their ability to fly. Their diversity is simply amazing. For example, swans or storks fascinate with their size and beauty, woodpecker and jay - with an unusual appearance, an owl and a crow - with austerity, and magpies - with restlessness. Each has its own character and character!

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Now it has become very fashionable to decorate your summer cottage or yard near the house with various flower beds or figures made of old tires. Every year more and more craftsmen are engaged in this hobby. It is very interesting to watch how unusual crafts made from seemingly absolutely unnecessary things - old tires - appear on the playground or lawn.

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After the repair, building materials remain in the bathroom, including pieces of ceramic tiles. It’s a pity to throw them away, but I don’t feel like storing and taking their place in the apartment. Trimming tiles can be used in decoration, for example, when creating a flowerpot for garden flowers. At the same time, there is no longer any need to buy anything, because the remains of materials will be used.

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If the cultivation of tomato seedlings takes place not far from the garden, then there is no need to invent innovations. However, often plants have to be transported, and personal transport is not always possible for this. It is not difficult to grow tomato seedlings, but it is already more difficult to deliver it to the planting site in integrity.

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In the summer, passing through the market rows, we contemplate the harvest of Bulgarian and hot peppers grown by amateur gardeners with admiration and ponder over our failures. Meanwhile, any business can be learned, especially if you really want to. The choice of seeds In the process of growing pepper there are no trifles, absolutely everything is important.

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Zucchini is exactly the culture that even a novice gardener can cope with. With minimal labor, this vegetable rewards the summer resident with excellent fruits that have a variety of uses in cooking. In addition, well-ripened vegetables are able to maintain their freshness until winter.

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Contents 1. Varieties of barbecues. 2. What fuel should be used? 3. Fuel consumption. 3. How to kindle a brazier with wood and coal. 4. Tools and materials. 5. Street barbecue made of metal. Brazier is an open type stove operating on wood and coal. Thanks to this device, you can cook such a tasty and aromatic dish as barbecue.

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An excellent option for fencing a summer cottage is a wicker fence. The first advantage of this option is that it is an economical fence. Of course, you can buy ready-made material, but if you live in an area where there are many growths of trees, then you do not have to invest in it.

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Beautiful, and most importantly, original simple baskets for a summer residence or garden can be made with your own hands from all available materials. You can plant flowers in these baskets and everything will look very cool. We will need all two things: concrete and a piece of any unnecessary rag. We make concrete I will make concrete from the remains of tile glue.

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Prices for tiles in recent years have begun to rise comically. Although there is absolutely nothing scarce. For a long time I have been making tiles myself for my needs and therefore occasionally observe prices in the market. The process is not only not tricky, but rather elementary. Slightly harder than sculpting sandpipes from sand. The cost of this tile is determined only by the prices of cement and sand, and then I get the sand for free.

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A gazebo is just an absolutely necessary thing in the country to have a good snack, drink tea, and just hide from the rain. As most people think: building a gazebo is a very long and laborious process. Of course, there is some truth here, but it still depends on the design of the gazebo. I will show you the gazebo, which is absolutely realistic to assemble in 1 day or 7-8 hours.

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One way to decorate your garden is to plant a flowerbed of beautiful flowers. To enhance the effect and make a flowerbed with a kind of object, and not just a bed, you can make a flowerbed in the form of a pyramid. I will show you a very simple design where there are no extra elements. Typically, flower beds - pyramids are built like this: first, the frame is mounted, and then it is encircled with sides.

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One fine day, I decided to decorate my garden with extra hanging flowers. I wanted to hang from a fence to create a more lively atmosphere in the garden. I went to the store, which sold only round hanging pots. Of course they did not suit me with either a look or a price. And then a pipe from a rain drain caught my eye.

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