DIY New Year card


How nice it is on New Year's Eve to please loved ones with gifts. I want to propose the idea of ​​an original greeting card - a folder. This wonderful gift can be prepared with the children, and then everyone will write wishes for a congratulatory speech - a toast for reading at the festive table.

To make a New Year's card you will need:

1. Thick cardboard in A4 size, you need to cut two sheets from a cardboard box.
2. A piece of fabric.
3. Satin ribbon green.
4. Satin ribbon color. The color of the tape should be in harmony with the selected fabric.
5. Lace tape
6. Needle, thread, scissors.
7. Old New Year's congratulatory package.
8. Small colored buttons to decorate the Christmas tree.
9. Glue.
10. Iron.

Cut a piece of material of a suitable size. To do this, cardboard sheets should be applied to the material, taking into account the indentation, the side and top sheets are 5 cm lower, and 3 cm between the sheets.

We bend the fabric, doing something like a cover, sweep a couple of stitches. Then iron with iron to fix the bend.

Insert the cardboard sheets into the fabric cover. Now you need two pieces of color satin ribbon and 40cm lace ribbon. They are necessary for decorating the front side of the card. We fix the tape on the inner surface of the postcard. Tapes should be placed in such a way that the central part remains free.

The next step will be the preparation of segments of green satin ribbon for the manufacture of Christmas trees. The longest segment is 45 - 50 cm, and each subsequent 10 cm less, a total of 5 segments should be obtained.

We begin to make a Christmas tree blank. We pass the thread through the entire tape and collect it into an accordion. So we do it with four ribbons, and the smallest one needs to be folded with a triangle - this will be the top of the Christmas tree.
We cut the holiday package, we need only one side.

We glue the New Year's reproduction inside the card, while covering all the edges.

Next, we begin the "assembly" of the Christmas tree. Starting from the top we sew all the prepared branches. It should be such a wonderful, fluffy beauty.
It remains only to decorate it to your taste. In the center, you can put the individual wishes of each family member and present such a wonderful postcard - congratulations to your beloved ones.


Watch the video: Very Easy ! New year pop up greeting cards - How to make New Year Card at Home. Craft (January 2025).