Beaded Bracelet


It turns out that you can crochet not only clothes, but also jewelry. No special skills are required for this. You just need to be able to crochet a regular chain. This bracelet can be made in completely different ways, you can make it thin or voluminous, loose or tight, multi-colored or plain. In this MK, the idea itself is shown, and knowing the technique, you can try and experiment.
For work, we need:
- beads of several colors,
- rhinestones, pearls,
- fishing line
- hook
- ruler,
- cardboard
- scissors
- a pen,
- nippers
- pliers
- pins with ears for beads,
- lock
- 2 cones.

Let's get started.
According to my calculations, I need to collect beads on a fishing line 3 meters long. I alternate white, cream and gold beads. I randomly insert white and gold rhinestones between them. We do not cut the line!

Then the most interesting process begins, in which you will be creative. We begin to literally knit a bracelet. This line knitting differs from thread knitting only in that you add a bead to each loop when knitting, the ones that we just threaded. I crochet number 3. If you want a larger bracelet, you can take a larger hook. I add beads to each loop of the chain. You can make the bracelet very airy and knit like this: 2 air loops are empty, in the third add beads. You can add as one bead, or several in one loop of the chain. In general, experiment! As I said, I knit one bead into each loop of the chain. Do not tighten the eyelets.

We knit until the previously typed beads and rhinestones end. At this point, the thread can already be fastened and cut. Now from this long chain we need to form a bracelet. To do this, take cardboard and draw a trapezoid. The upper (short) side will be equal to the diameter of your hand minus 1 cm per lock (and in my case another minus 1.5 cm per pearl). The bottom (long side) will depend on how voluminous your bracelet is. The larger the volume, the trapezoid should be wider. Put something soft under the cardboard, in the future it will be more convenient to work.

We stick needles on the sides of the trapezoid, the number of needles should be the same on both sides. I have 20 needles on each side.

Well, now the most painstaking work. It is necessary to evenly and without stretch the bracelet on the needles.

Slowly, in one row, string the line connected with the beads to the needle, gradually building the shape of the bracelet. For more volume, you can string several rows on one needle. Here is what should happen.

Now we take the pin for the beads, make a large loop at the end, but so that a long, even tail remains, and collect the bracelet threads on this side on one side, gradually removing the bracelet from the needles. They removed and twisted the pin.

Do the same on the other side.

We put metal cones on a long straight tail of the pin.

Using a pair of pliers we make a loop.

Using round pliers and another pin for beads, we attach a pearl and a lock to the bracelet.

Follow the same procedure from the other side. And our bracelet is ready!

It is a pity that the photo does not convey all the beauty of the bracelet, especially in bright light. But I think that those who dealt with beads know how beautiful any products from it look.
