Using a simple home-made template made of ordinary plywood or other material, slotted holes of various widths and lengths in sheet metal blanks can be made.
Thus, ventilation grilles are obtained, which can be used as housing elements of various radio equipment. Through the longitudinal slit openings of the grate, air is taken in to cool the internal parts.
First of all, we cut two pieces of plywood of suitable sizes. Please note that blanks can be cut to the size of future ventilation grilles, as well as have any shape.
Template manufacturing process
After we cut out two planks of plywood, on one of them we do the marking. After that, cut out the grooves using a jigsaw or on a pendulum saw. But first, it will be necessary to drill one hole on the side to start the saw blade.
At the next stage, we glue two boards together. And for this, you can use PVA glue or quick-drying ("Moment", etc.). After the glue dries, the home-made template is ready for use. Cut off a piece of sheet metal and mark the lines.
Using a grinder, we make longitudinal slots for marking on a metal workpiece. Well, then everything is simple. We fasten the template to the table. We lay a sheet of metal on top and press it with something heavy. We pick up a heavy hammer and a home-made "chisel" of plywood (the width of the slot hole) and bend the metal inward.
Details on how to make a DIY template for the manufacture of metal ventilation grilles can be found in the video on the website.