Manual uprooter for bushes and small trees


If on a summer cottage it is necessary to remove undersized shrubs and small trees, then with bare hands it is impractical to carry out such work, as this will take a lot of time. Yes, and it will take a lot of effort. For this purpose, it is best to make a manual uprooter that will help to cope with the task much faster and without much effort.

The process of manufacturing a manual uprooter for giving

For this homemade product, you will need two pieces of a profile pipe with sides 40x20 mm, lengths 21 and 23 cm. On one side of each workpiece, using an angle grinder, we make an oblique cut, and then, using welding, we join them together at a right angle. To do this, it is better to use a magnetic corner.
It is necessary to weld a section of a profile pipe 7 cm long at an angle of 90 degrees to one side of the resulting part. Then we cut three identical rods of 4 cm long from reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm. We weld them to a section of a profile pipe. After this, we proceed to the manufacture of the second part of the manual uprooter.

In a section of a profile pipe 1 m long, we drill a hole into which we insert a hairpin with two square washers. Fix on both sides with nuts. A piece of profile 5 cm long is welded to the washers from above. And three pieces of reinforcement 40 mm long are welded to it. Then we connect the two parts of the manual uprooter to each other. Now the tool is ready to use.
