Satin ribbon jellyfish hairpin


I propose to make a hairpin from satin ribbons, reminiscent in appearance of a sea jellyfish. Such a beautiful bow will decorate the girl’s hairstyle, it can be worn in kindergarten, school or used as an element of a costume for a matinee.
It is not difficult to make a bow, although it will take a little work, since it will be necessary to make many elements for the hair clip.
To make a hairpin you need:
  • narrow satin ribbon 6 mm wide;
  • felt mugs with a diameter of 4 cm 2 pcs.;
  • tweezers;
  • silicone glue;
  • candle;
  • clamp;
  • foil;
  • wooden sticks with a diameter of 4 mm.

The hairpin is assembled from two main parts - this is puffer from short pieces of tape and long spirals.
1. So, we take satin ribbons, I use two shades of similar color.
We cut them into pieces of 6 cm.

For one hairpin you will need approximately 60 pieces of tape.
2. Still need long segments of tape, the length of which is 26 cm. I use 10 pieces of such segments for one hairpin.

In general, approximately 6.5 m of tape is required for one barrette.
3. Now we will make spirals from tapes. For this we need wooden sticks.

We wrap long segments of tape on sticks and fix with pieces of foil at the edges so that the tape does not bloom. Wrap the sticks in foil and place in the oven for 10 minutes.
After the time has passed, wait until the foil cools down so as not to get burned and carefully remove the ribbons from the sticks. We get beautiful spirals.
4. From the pieces of tape 6 cm make loops. Connect the edges together, hold with tweezers and fix over the fire. We will do the same with all segments.

Barrette assembly
5. On the basis of felt with a diameter of 4 cm in a circle tightly glue 14 stitches.

6. Gradually fill the base around the loop with loops, gluing them as close to each other as possible. In total, I glued 6 rows.

7. When there remains a very small hole in the middle, glue 5 loops together and glue it into the middle.

8. Turn the workpiece over and glue another row of loops in a circle, glue the spirals from one edge, folding them in half.

9. We glue another felt circle on top, attaching a clip between the circles.

The hairpin is ready.


Watch the video: 171 DIY. How to make butterfly from ribbon. Ribbon Brooches (October 2024).