Finding water should not be a big problem: rivers, lakes, puddles. You can even dig a small hole and after a while water will collect in it. Even if you boil it, then you can’t drink such water. Not only small grains of sand, and most importantly dangerous chemicals, chemicals cannot get caught.
Therefore, the best way to purify water is to use a makeshift filter.
What do you need in order to make a filter?
- - plastic bottle.
- - pebbles.
- - sand.
- - a piece of cloth or gauze bandage.
- - Charcoal.
Cut the bottom from a plastic bottle. Turn the bottle over to begin to fill. First, put a piece of cloth and sprinkle with pebbles. Then put a layer of sand. We put the fabric, chopped charcoal and again the fabric. It turned out a kind of tablet. And then in reverse order sand and pebbles. The filter for water purification is ready.
A cloth or gauze bandage is used to ensure that all filter materials are not mixed.
Pebbles and sand are the main filters of fine particles. But charcoal traps most of the chemicals from the water. You can use charcoal from your fire.
Such a filter does not remove viruses and bacteria from the water, so you should boil the water after filtering.
Boil water for at least 1 minute before drinking it.
If you put some spruce needles in boiling water, you will get delicious tea.